This week, I’m working on all of the un-sexy type of stuff that goes along with being the glamorous, bohemian, free spirit many people think us artists are. Though at

heart I may be all of those things, I’ve also been packing up orders, creating new post cards (I print cards 4 or more up, then cut down to size on the glamourous paper cutter) for the upcoming Bad Girls Show, pricing, tagging, delivery and stashing all the finished works into the clean studio area so they don't get covered
in all that “magnifique” black steel dust from the shop area. I’m feeling ready for the Show with lot’s of new sculptures and I’ve also managed to keep up on the special commissions. But what has slipped is my opportunity to work in clay. I haven’t fired the kilns in weeks. Sadly, there is no clay work drying on the ceramic shelves, the shelves have been converted to hang all the finished metal work on. I know, clashing of the mediums

again. My goal was when the first frost comes to get the clay out… well, it’s been unseasonably warm with all the snow gone (rinsed away) from the Chugach Range(!) and surprisingly it’s been warm, in the 50’s. Perfect for sexy welding with the doors wide open. The temps are supposed to drop this week, though if the clay does come out, now I have no where to dry the work!
There's something sexy, inspiring, and powerful about a woman in welding, glazing, or painting gear, great post, love the shot of you.
You are one hot Momma that is for sure!
If people onlt knew about all the time we spend on things other than creating.........
this IS magnifique! way to show that you mean business with this profile photo, and a great reminder of the physical labor you go through to create your work!
I can in all honesty say you look hot in that! A great head shot!
Hi All! thanks for reading, wow, you have all given my self-image a big boost!! I am a bit self-conscience about all the gear necessary to wear and admit I probably change clothes at least a couple times a day -when I take Gus to school, if I have meetings or errands and then again when I go and pick him up! oh well it keeps the seats clean in the truck -ha!
quite the 'look!' -- I'm too sexy for my mask . . . I love how you keep it so real.
I'll be at the store or a fancy restaurant & notice I have clay all over my arm -- oh well - I washed my hands lol!
I have a similar sexy look when I raku, except that I smell also :)
(like smoke that is!)
I think it feels powerful to gear up in all the stuff that goes with hazardous art making!
that's a great publicity shot... that was my uniform too when i was in school, now i'm just muddy
Great mug shot!... Could relate to the clothing issues... When I stop off at the grocery store on the way home from the studio, I catch myself with mud all over my pants as I squint through clay-smudged glasses. Charming.
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