primer. My “One Shot” sign painters enamel that I use on my metal sculptures was perfect for the finish paint. It has nice vivid colors, mixes great and really pops when it is dried. I hung two “D” ring hangers on the back at each end for hanging up in their rooms. One of the girl’s rooms is decorated in bubble gum pink and the other is in lime green with white trims –pretty cool color palette huh?!
I’m usually never short on colors for inspiration… Here is a sneak peak at PART of my PEZ collection displayed in the studio. My favorites

are the vintage Pez Pals from the 60’s and 70’s. Don't ask how many we have...we actually have a stack of large Rubbermaid tubs storing the mint condition, Austrian and whole collections of rare ones. The ones in the studio are allowed to get played with -how can you not want to pick them up and pop a candy now and then?! My all time favorite sticker says “Your not really famous until your head is on a PEZ.”

My roommate from college wanted a pez when she got married. We got her the pez "gun". She said it was really rare and we would never find it so she was thrilled to get it on her big day. Love all the wild colors on the pez and the name letters!
Christine in Alaska
What a glaze palette that would be! I liked your pods from the earlier post, I'm just catching up on all the blogs, insomnia, so, good time for reading blogs!
I found one in our barn when we first moved here- I wonder how old that would be since we have been here 34 years- I'll have to go look for it now.
Great collection! Wonderful way to display them too.
What a groovy gift for the girls!!
and what a great Pez rack to showcase your collection!
Love those name signs Cindy! I'm sure the girls will love them.
Your PEZ collection is quite impressive. I had no idea ...
Hi all! thanks for reading!
The Pez Gun was a BIG score -I think an original, Bride & Groom Pez would go for about $1,000 -if you could find them.
Yeah, We're kind of closet collectors -when people see the collection in the studio they go one of two ways "WOW COOL!" or "Huh, you paid HOW MUCH for some of these..???" When they do the "Huh?", response we don't dare show them the stack of tubs!!
The racks are plexiglass we got years ago from a collector. I used to get most of the vintage ones off of ebay when ebay first started. Now we just try to pick up vintage ones when we are traveling and try to keep up with all the new releases from Walmart (cheapest price!).
incredible line up... now thats my kind of palette!!!
i guess that's the test then... you've made it officially if your head is on a pez... unbelievable collection!
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