There will be a delay this morning in the opening of the Mountain due to the snow load. The Alyeska Ski Report is announcing 3' feet of un-skied snow at the top for a total of 585 inches so far this season! Yeah Baby, that's right it's Spring Break in ALASKA!
I’m only posting this because of it’s timely topic… I didn’t get a letter of rejection, this one was e-mailed to me yesterday. My first "Rejection E-mail" from the Fairbanks Airport project I applied for on January 4. Somehow an e-mail doesn't seem as bad, not as tangible as a letter coming in the mail with all of the anxiety of opening and reading the bad news. Getting a "Rejection E-mail" makes it easy to just hit delete! BTW the rejection e-mail didn’t throw me into a funk –how could it with the start of Spring Break and all of this FRESH snow?!
"CaFÉ login: cshake
Cindy Shake:
Dear Artist,
Thank you for your application and your interest in the Fairbanks Airport project. The jury viewed many exciting and innovative applications, and found the online and in-person CaFE process easy even though it was a first for ASCA.
I am sorry to inform you that the Public Art Selection Committee did not choose your application for further development. I hope you will continue to visit our website www.eed.state.ak.us/aksca and www.callforentry.org for future artist opportunity announcements.
Sincerely, Andrea Noble
Do not reply to this email, it is not monitored.
I got one of these from the Town of Chapel Hill. They had a call for artists for a year long rotating exhibit. I now get emails showing what the exhibit du jour is and I would sure like to meet those tasteless judges! I think they just picked their friends or people they felt sorry for! You are so right, punch that delete button!
please do not reply.....chickens!
Look at ALL that snow!
OMG! I could never live there- but I would love to visit one day!
oh golly, nearly 600 inches of snow???????
do not reply, at least not in print, Ha, enjoy all that snow, so beautiful.
wow thats a lotta snow!!! oh well glad you didnt slide from this one...yeh delete and NEXT!!!
rejection emails... wow. i always wish they would just say the "i am sorry" part first, then you could just disregard the rest of the blah, blah.
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