22 August

Rain Break

After 30+ days of rain (yes, Anchorage set a new precipitation record) the sun was shining last Wednesday, the first day back to school! We have had three days of seeing sunny weather and it was a welcomed sight -and feeling. Seems like the only thing that liked all of that rain were a the wildflowers and my planters on the deck in Gird. We needed to get a little p&q (peace & quiet) so we took a road trip to the house in Girdwood.... ahhhhh the p&q capitol of the world!

Change and transformation is in the air with the seasons, the weather and my art making...



Linda Starr said...

Beautiful and peaceful looking flowers; lucky for the squirrel your dog is on the leash. Gary and I were just talking about missing living in the mountains.

Orion Designs said...

I love that picture of Tauzer's head out the window!