The Show opens Friday and I feel mostly ready. This will be the 6th or 7th (?) annual Show I've had at Half Moon Creek Gallery. Hard to believe how time has flown by. We time the Show date to coincide with the opening of Alaska's gardening season. My focus is usually metal garden art and there has been in past years such an incredible turn

It's a real juggle to be intensely making art, focusing on the creative process and take the time to also think about the other components of a Show. The marketing, advertising, direct mail, content of the Show, material costs, pricing, customer favorites, tagging, production flow and schedules, delivery schedules, set-up, etc. etc. etc. My brain feels split in half with the right side filled with great ideas that need to get out and the other (left side?) crammed with the account

ing and business to-do's. I've long felt my math brain is shrunken and I actually have two brains, a big fat creative brain and a little pea sized math brain squeezed into my one lovely mommy head. I'm extremely grateful for all that the Gallery does for me as a resident artist. I've said it before and I'll Blog it again, I gladly pay the Gallery their commission for all that they do for me. The business end of things is mostly taken care of by them and it's up to me to delivery the goods, so to speak -and that's not entirely true because next week they even offered to bring their open bed truck over and pick up some of the larger works!

We did sneak away this afternoon after the kiln was loaded with a bisque load. We bought our fishing licenses (yahoo!) and then went to Saturday Market. There are three or four full rows of vendors offering everything from junk to funk, food and art, and we saw our friend Elise there too with her cute puppy Dewy. Our mission is to hit the food row first and end up on the farmer's row for fresh veggies. Mmmmm...I go for the Earthquake Lemonade and Gyro's

(sometimes 2!), the guys get their fill of either Brats, Piroshki's, Grilled Whole Ear Corn or dipped ice cream bars -then they steal sips of my lemonade, which is why I always buy two of those too :)
oh those themes do get in the way of good inspiration!! market looks great..
can I say it again, " I love your work!"
Hi Ang- Normally a good theme gets my creative juices flowing, but for some reason this one had me going in all other directions!
Thank you Meredith :o) the positive words will fortify me as my stomach gets all nervous and wiggly for Friday...
Hi Cindy, you seem so organized I would never have suspected you'd temporarily forget the theme, but when inspiration strikes I think it is best to go with the flow. You've outlined some good thoughts about all the work and processes involved in getting ready for a show both for the artist and the gallery. Good luck to you.
Hi Linda! Thank you for the vote of confidence in my abilities...but I am EASILY distracted and can be on to the next thing in a SNAP! Sometimes I can take for granted all that the Gallery does -then when I deliver pieces and see them in action with customers, their level of PATIENCE and high level of customer service, I'm quickly reminded of how much I enjoy the art side of artmaking!
Oh I wish I could come!!
I'll say it too--love your work!
Christine if you came up here to Alaskaland, I'm afraid you might freeze! I've been "watching" your garden grow and that warm sunny weather...mmmm
Thank you, thank you Gary :o)
You are a force to be reckoned with - a super dynamo!
Oh - drat the theme....
I like your description of the market - from "junk to funk" - lol
Have a great opening! It looks like a wonderful show.
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