Last week I welded up some steel bird's nests and thought they needed to hold some clay birdies, I haven't decided how they well be glazed, maybe some matte black or blue with bright orange beaks. We'll see.

Along with the slab fish and sculpted birds, I pulled out this plaster Kabuki mask mold and drape molded some masks. The mold was tossed in with a bunch of misc. clay items I scored from the classified ads. I think I'm going to weld steel "branches" with wire, metal and copper embellishments around each of the faces for some wall hung sculptures. I really dream of doing Raku and think the pieces would look so cool Raku fired, but I'm just not set up for it. Tracey's new set up is inspiring and her work is looking fabulous with the Raku firing! The masks may be good pieces to at least kick up the temp of my electric kilns to ^6 -something I've been wanting to do to expand my glaze palette.
I've been doing all low fire, which has limited my glaze choices. I want to start mixing my own satin and matte glazes in larger quantities, some of which I saw at Seattle Pottery. I've got the clay, I just need the TIME to do some testing and experimenting. Finding that necessary experimentation (both physical and mental) time currently doesn't

coincide with our busy summer schedule; I've got several great shows coming up, school is out, the house is full, fish are running, the sun is high in the sky, dogs just want to run, the garden is sprouting, kids want to make new tree house forts and potato guns, the BBQ grill smells even better with cold beverages in hand and I've got a stack of good books lined up for summer reading. What's a girl to do? Continue to live the good life, one step at a time with one foot in front of the other, feeling the sunshine on my face -oh, and try to make a lot of great art!
oh yeah...excellent point sometimes we just need to enjoy the day, each project will have its own time..
I always wonder why that is so hard to do Ang! With Shows coming up, my anxiety level peaks and afterwards, the Shows really wring me out. One of those necessary components, I know.
so much creating to do, so little time! Looking forward to seeing the bird nests.
Hi Patricia! Isn't that the truth! There are so many ideas I want to get out.
Went to Barnes & Noble Booksellers yesterday to get the latest art magazines -mmmmm, and was overwhelmed by HOW MANY new books there are to read too. Though I get almost 90% of my books at the Thrift, all the pretty new titles and covers made my head spin!
YOU are very productive right now! Wow - love the birds and settled in metal nests will be perfect after finishing. Wish I could find good help around here. :)
Hi Cynthia- I'll post pictures of the nests -I like making them. yeah, I'm a very lucky girl, my hubby is pretty sweet. He turns into a pumpkin August 18 when school starts again :( We're out early but start early, makes for a quick summer.
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