Ouch! Poor, "Mr. Moon's" Bum Blew Off!
And No, I don't have a GAS kiln -hahaha!
Everything else in the kiln fired fine. But "Mr. Moon" was just way too thick in his posterior. I thought this image was hilarious and I think he can be salvaged with some creative mounting.
Even his expression fits perfectly.
Gee, I hope you can selvage him. He's just too cute. He made me yawn.
I like him- now try turning his back end away from the elements-we preheat large works 3-5 hours the day before we fire- fire slowly and turn large or heavy works away from the elements.
Gas kiln!
His expression is priceless!
OMG -Cindy I am laughing out loud!! can you photoshop some ^%^$&^&^??>!!* text coming out of his mouth??
I say, glue him back together and paint instead of glazing him...
Hi All! thanks for reading & posting :)
Good advice Meredith, I didn't know that. I did use a slow bisque fire schedule, but he was really way too thick, I just kept sculpting and adding and adding... he weighs a ton -that's also not so good.
oh rats!
I love the clay birds above :)
GREAT shot! What a crack-up!
Though much overused, I'll write it anyway - rotflmao
'Cuz seriously, while not rolling on the floor I am laughing out loud - not at your predicament, but rather, the way you phrased it and the accompanying photo.
HA! I love the acronym! When I opened the kiln I busted out laughing too! He looked so pained with his butt blown off!! he's recuperating quietly in the studio, I put him on the "wait and see shelf" of misfit toys and other art gone awry :o)
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