01 May

May Day Weedhopper

On May 1st when I was in elementary school, the entire school participated in a Maypole Dance. Students would each have a bright ribbon or crepe paper and dance around the school's flag pole, weaving around until the pole was covered -I can still remember all of the colors fluttering in the wind. I never knew the history of a May Pole, but knew we'd get to decorate the school's flag pole should May 1st fall on a school day. None of my 3 kids have ever participated in such a Maypole event at school. May Day is probably not "politically correct" or dancing with brightly colored ribbons is offensive to some group or other, which is too bad.
The Grasshopper was welded up today. I was getting a bit fussy again when he wasn't turning our how I was envisioning him... which is a bit of a contradiction because it wasn't clear in my mind HOW he was supposed to look, but seeing him stationary on the ground just wasn't doing it for me. I was thinking that it would look great if it appeared as if he had just landed on the side of a house or garden shed, so I welded some large hanging washers on his front feet. I'm still not sure of the finish I'll use on him or Mr. Mantis. Both sculptures need to hang around my yard and garden for a few days until it comes to me. Marieke came by yesterday and is going to drop off some samples of various patina's she uses from a 
company called Sculpt Nouveau. She's right, their web site has a ton of possibilities, choices and options, Oh My!


Orion Designs said...

That last photo looks like he's trying to get into your garage!

ang design said...

just brilliant..

Linda Starr said...

I was thinking of May Day this morning but didn't remember about the may pole till you mentioned it. I vaguely remember dancing around one in my childhood, kind of like a rite of Spring. The grasshoppers are huge around here already, we had a mild winter so they're left over from last year and gigantic size with voracious appetites, almost as large as your's there - well not quite. What beautiful sculptures you are making, the grasshopper does look like he's trying to get in. Can't wait to see his patina. Is that your drawing of the grasshopper in the previous post - such wonderful detail it has.

Anonymous said...

ok WOW your art is amazing!

cookingwithgas said...

Love- love- love it! And I wish it would hop over here to my house to live!

cindy shake said...

Hi Vicki- you're right! Now, looking at the photo it looks kind of creepy -I was trying to find a spot to test hang him...

Thanks Ang! :o)

Hi Linda- I Googled Maypole dancing because I've often wondered what that was all about. I love grasshoppers but wish they weren't so destructive. Yes, I drew that picture from a photo and had other drawings in the journal that I drew from the Backyard Bug Book.

Thank you Mary!

Hi Meredith- thank you for the post. I am a regular reader of your Blog. I enjoy seeing the incredible talent that comes out of NC, especially Seagrove. Your work is lovely.

Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

That is GREAT! And funny. Like it. LIke it.

Kristen said...


That's cool!!