So much for my shopping trip to town today! I had wanted to go to the Museum Craft Weekend and visit with my other artist friends, see all the wonderful art and peruse the Read Alaska Illustrators and Authors sale on this famous shopping weekend. However, Mother Nature recommends that I stay off the highway and strap on the skis instead! The snow storm has broke for the time being and left over a foot of snow on our Girdwood doorstep, dumped 40+ inches on the mountain and left everyone giddy –except for the road maintenance crew and our front end loader driver who plows our drive! Will called and said the Anchorage roads were a bit of a mess but getting cleared up. Daddy-O is up on the Mountain carving it up and I think Gus and I will just stay put in paradise, make a turkey sandwich and have some more pie!

I don’t remember ever participating in “Black Friday” but I’m sure my sister and some of my friends were up at the wee hours yesterday helping our economy… I actually participated in the reverse and delivered artwork TO SELL to Holiday shoppers at Babes In The Woods, Shelbi Lynne's lovely new shop on the

Alyeska Boardwalk! She promised she'd send me some photos of the inside of her shop to post.
*Oh Darn it! I have to run down to the Mercantile, I'M OUT OF COOL WHIP FOR MY PIE -arrrgh!
Happy Holidays, that snow looks beautiful.
Hi Linda!! Thank you and hope you had a good Turkey Day! YEs, the snow has been wonderful -I love a good storm, it keeps everybody calmed down!
Ha,Ha... I had to laugh at your last sentence as I read it wrongly... I thought you had written "Oh Darn it! I have to run down to the Mercantile, I'M OUT OF COOL WHIP FOR MY PIPE"!!
This gave me a delightful mental image of you strapping on your skis and bravely battling the snow and ice with empty pipe clamped between your jaws in order to buy a quantity of pipe tobacco (oddly named "cool whip"). I blame all this on the cat of course! Ginger was a large, amorphous heap on my lap and had forced me so far from my computer that I could only type with the finger tips of my left hand, and couldn't read the screen properly!
Nice snow pictures.
Best Wishes, P.
Brrrrr! Why in the heck do they call it "Black" Friday anyway? Why not Green Friday, since everyone is spending their green? Or, Red Friday, since people spend too much and go into the red, or (if you're selling) selling so much that you get out of the red and into the green. None of it black at all... I guess in your case, it's White Friday with all that snow!
ahhhhhh, what a nice cozy scene! I walked downstairs in a short sleeve t-shirt to start my kiln this morning, and then came in to these photos, how nice! Enjoy.......
WINTER! We have been unusally lucky all November, really nice weather, will it hold off until spring?
Cool-Whip is essential this time of year! I would totally risk a trip on messy roads for Cool-Whip! I've never participated in Black Friday either, it kind of reminds me of going off to battle.
I actually drove in to Anchorage on Friday ... huge mistake. I had lunch with a friend but really didn't have a great time ... I was too worried about getting home safely!
Snow! I like to look at it from afar!
I bet you are ready for it.
Here we are not so it makes for some very scary driving with the fools who don't get snow.
and so it begins...sometimes I miss the snow...and sometimes I don't. It gets really hard to find mushrooms under the snow. Let it snow. let it snow.
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