02 February


The kiln is loaded and firing away. I have the first load of sgraffito trays firing on a ^04 Fast Bisque schedule which should put the firing complete this evening and be able to open the kiln late tomorrow…if I’m patient. Tauzer had to have ear surgery a couple weeks ago and on Friday finally had the ear apparatus successfully removed and her ear is thankfully all healed. What better way to celebrate than a groom and bath! Not according to her but according to us. Before I actually started grooming her myself I used to think that a dog grooming business might be kind of fun –ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I’d go broke –or I’d have to charge $300 a dog –ha! Giant Schnauzer’s don’t shed per say, so their hair grows continually and can get matted and dreadlock-like if not maintained and should be groomed every couple of months. She’s very patient with the grooming part but isn’t

too happy about the bath part so she got one of her favorite treats, Yummy Chummies to entice her into the tub. Good girl. Of course the real work wasn't the bathing or grooming, although it kills my back. The real work is taking the ShopVac to all the cut hair in the shop -it looked like I gave free haircuts to every kid in Anchorage with black hair! THEN, it's the major bleach down cleaning of the bathroom. I swear, I'm so germ phobic, I used more bleach than a community pool does at Spring Break!


Judy Shreve said...

What a great looking dog -- glad her ear healed. My dog is totally motivated by greenies. I can't even spell the word without his ears perking up!

ang design said...

hehehehh cool, hope you didn't burn out your nostrils with all that bleach!!

cindy shake said...

Hi Judy- oh Tauzer used to be hooked on Greenies until we put her in rehab to kick her habit -ha! I swear there must be doggie crack in those things!!

all good Ang -though my fingernails are really, really clean!!

Linda Starr said...

Glad Tauser is recovering from her ear surgery. Does she shake all that water off after she gets a bath and get you all wet? That is a good way to clean clay from under the fingernails, Ha.

Julia said...

You have such a lovely dog. Glad her ear is all healed!

I wonder if my husky might like some of those salmon treats? Are they sold online or only in AK?

cindy shake said...

thank you Linda -and YES, and yes :o)

Hi Julia- thank you, Yes, you can buy them on-line but BEWARE, Dogs absolutely love them! Here is the link if my in-post link doesn't work:
http://www.yummychummies.com/html/products.html try and save them for really special treats -like time to take a BATH -ha!

Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

wow, I'm impressed. We have THOUGHT about grooming our dog, but have resisted so far. But, we're getting another standard poodle next week and, who knows, maybe grooming is in our future. We'll need LOTS of greenies!

cindy shake said...

Hi Patricia- it's the only way to go. I LOVE Standard Poodles! They are very smart :o)

I supplement my "non-pro" cuts with a pro cut at Petco at least once or twice a year but it's always at least $125... what helps me is I bought the professional clippers and scissors. I just don't do a very good detail job on her feet like Petco does. The other big help is our removable, hand held shower head in the tub and the best doggie shampoo and conditioner.

Patricia Griffin Ceramics said...

I'd have those clippers out too at those prices. Wow! That's more than 2x what we pay here for Mae. But, now that we'll have two of them, I think the hubster may be learning how to groom... No telling what the poor pups will look like when we start on that little venture. Good thing they don't care!

Anonymous said...

OMG you made me laugh! Nice job, Tauzer looks great! Glad the ear is healed too, phew those can get nasty. Bob sends his love.

Dolores said...

Hilarious. My dog goes down the street to the groomers. I couldn't do it myself. As the Aussies say "Good on ya."