Finished up my sculptures for the Artique Gallery Group Show and I’ll be delivering the pieces to the them on Tuesday. I wasn’t feeling confident enough about a sculpture using the pods…yet. The commission to the Gallery is 50% and I’ll need to take that into consideration when I figure out the final pricing of the sculptures on Monday. Can you say “starving artist?!”
Multi-Media Group Show At Artique
314 G Street, Downtown Anchorage 907-277-1663
“Here Comes Spring!” April 2-16, 2010
Opening Reception April 2, 5:00 – 7:00
“Spring Nest Topiary”
52” tall x 28” wide
Plasma cut and welded steel topiary, indoor or outdoor free standing sculpture. Reclaimed steel wire and painted enamel finish details.
The photo above shows the details of the inside of the nest.

53” tall x 21” wide
Plasma cut and welded steel wall sculpture. Heat treated details with clear coat finish.
*this piece may also be hung horizontally

"Spring Garden Chime"
68” tall x 37” wide on 16” x 18” steel plate base.
Reclaimed copper chime with plasma cut copper leaf as clapper. Cold rolled round stock branch sculpture with wire and welded details. Faux spring eggs and nesting material in steel and wire formed nest atop steel chime branches.

Good grief, 50%?? Is that standard or just for this show/gallery? I asked once (at Artique) if the prices were "firm" and the gal said the artists set their own prices so the gallery couldn't budge. Ha! Fifty off the top is just plain robbery by the gallery. Wish you'd set up your own shop somewhere....
Christine in Anchorage
wow that is up there! and gorgeous nests!!!!!! have you thought about not glazing your pods? just high firing the clay or a finish more like your eggs a little rutile in a nice satin white glaze or try some filings from your sculptures?? just a few thoughts.. hope you don't mid cheers ang
Yes, Christine, Artique takes their standard 50% "commission," Half Moon Creek Gallery and Fireweed Gallery used to take 35% but now 40% commission. 50 is a bit much since in my days of owning shops 50% meant "wholesale" and the terms are net 30. In other words at 50% a gallery should be outright purchasing inventory and paying the artist in full within 30 days -no consignment until sold. It's true the artists do set their own prices but I've found customers will only pay so much and whacking that big commission right off the top is a hit to an artist's net.
I was also thinking along those lines Ang and always appreciate the input! And I do have a bowl of plasma cut steel "dust" and steel bits that I've been saving to try in the kiln -I did try it once before but that was when I was doing lower ^04 firing. You've inspired me to give it a try at ^6...
your work is looking great. I love the sunflowers and that they can be hung either direction. I think use of your pods will come to you when you least expect it, they just aren't ready to be seen yet. Ha. Careful you don't have melted metal in your kiln if you use it with clay. I want to try adding some metal to clay, but I think I'll try it in a barrel firing or pit firing.
Hi cindy
Beautiful nest!! I just noticed you're in the Artful Home. I am too. How do you do with them?
LOVE your topiary nest! It is brilliant!
Thank you Holly and Linda!
Hi Connie- The Artful Home has been wonderful National exposure for me. As far as sales go- I need to do a better job of providing them more to work with. Unfortunately, I end up putting them lower on my production list for new items because they also take a 50% commission.
Wonderful work, I love. I cross my fingers that you will sell it for a good price.. Have a wonderful and a sucessful week, Greetings Inge
Hi Inge- thanks for leaving a comment! My husband and I have been to Frankfurt twice, my mother-in-law was German :o) We so enjoy traveling in Europe.
I love your felting work -beautiful!
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