08 October

Rainy Ravens

 A very stormy and rainy weekend allowed me to be happily in the studio -instead of having to do the winterizing chores. I put off cleaning out the garden and Daddy-O put all of the summer furniture, hoses, BBQ and even the boats up before the freezing temps arrive -they're just around the corner. 

These Raven pieces of Art Cloth are for my upcoming show at 2 Friends Gallery
Each piece of 100% cotton Batik fabric is about 14" x 14" and were my favorite pieces from this weekend of art making. I've been enjoying working in a series of themes, even turning some pieces into small at quilts and wall hangings. 
Not every piece turns out as I envision it and I'm rarely able to replicate some of my favorite pieces, which can be frustrating. 

On these pieces I used various fabric paints, Mod Podge with tissue art papers and digital images printed on Artist TAP paper. I tried to work in layers of color and texture -but this required a LOT of patience waiting for the cloth to dry between layers. I'm not a very PATIENT artist but my perseverance made up for it! 

Art Cloth + Art Quilts 

2 Friends Gallery
November 2-30, 2012 -Anchorage, AK

341 E. Benson Blvd Anchorage, AK 99503 
(907) 277-0404


1 comment:

cookingwithgas said...

you are rocking the fabric!