18 October

The Sheep Are Out When the Snow Flies

The first snow is quietly magical.
The changing of seasons has the sewing machine whirring and sheep on my feet! 

 "Nested" above, and "HeARTs Are For Friends" art quilts for my upcoming show!
I've used pieces of my Art Cloth for these works.  
Working in a bit of color against the white snow that is falling.

Art Cloth + Art Quilts 

2 Friends Gallery
November 2-30, 2012 -Anchorage, AK


Tracey Broome said...

You just keep evolving don't you! Love the quilt and those sheep slippers!!!!
I was showing someone my little felted sheep you sent me the other day, She had just learned how to felt animals and loved yours. It keeps me great company in the studio still :)

cookingwithgas said...

snow- already- no! Your quilts are wonderful!