street from our house! We’ll still need to truck the metal art up to the Chilkoot Charlie’s parking lot “under the Windmill” -a famous landmark in Spenard, but still very convenient. The infamous “Windmill” used to be in the parking lot of the Kut-Rate Kid Liquor Store when I was growing up –most people think Chilkoot Charlie’s was responsible for the cool landmark, but the owner of Koot’s just saved it from becoming scrap when the Kut-Rate Kid went out of business. Thanks ‘Koots –we love the Windmill and it’s now part of a VERY HIP logo for the Market. Along with my metal garden sculptures I’ll be selling Wilkins Artisan Honey AND my friends Michael & Dulce’s Kahiltna Birchworks Birch Syrup and Berry Products!! Kristen flew back to UAF on Saturday but not before helping do a little “market research” at the Anchorage

Downtown Market with Gus and I. Of course we needed to EAT lunch and then work out the details with Michael at their Alaska Wild Harvest booth. Mmmmmm business never tasted so good. Gus is pictured with Kristen and I wearing our NEW pashmina scarves we bought at the market and eating deserts of corn fritters, a cream puff and some of Gus’ mini-donuts.
Friday night Daddy-O treated us to Bear Tooth Theater Pub for dinner and to see “The Secret of Kells.” OMG, I couldn’t wait to get out my art supplies and paint, I WAS SO INSPIRED. This is a must-see movie for everyone, especially artists –the illustrations were awe-inspiring. Derek thought it was one of the best movies he’s seen and it wasn’t even first tap night at BT!
Special THANKS to Dan Finnegan for my Mug! Dan picked my name in his most recent contest and it arrived safe & sound and was promptly put to work. No, Dan didn’t make this one –he was trying to send it as far away from Fredericksbourg, VA as he possibly could! I like the jug face but Tauzer did growl at the face on the mug after I pulled it out of the box…xo

yum-o food and art- sounds good to me.
The face on that mug seems to be saying- how did I get here!!???
good luck at the spenard festival... chilkoot is the type of name that gives alaska that certain flavor to us down here in the lower 48.
secret of kells? = awesome tip, thanks :)
Oh, that movie sounds great, I might just have to break down and go see a movie for the first time in I can't even remember how long. You are so creative and full of energy; you are an inspiration to me; good luck at the market.
I checked out the Kells website. OMG, painting inspiration! Absolutely!!! I'm going to have to get that one for Wes. Don't worry about the carney blood, I've got it too, makes life much more fun :)
Aww -thank you Linda xo ;o)) Yeah, the "Kells" movie was totally a surprise that Daddy-O knew about -very cool huh?! ...welded more "Steel Wool" sheep today, I'm all warm and fuzzy with my art again.
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